2nd Application

Inspection of all the trees and shrubs on your property and treatment for those with current insect and disease problems and common potential problems.

This is the second of five regularly scheduled tree and shrub applications which comprise the yearly Naturescape® Tree and Shrub Care Program.

We treat the trees and shrubs with both a systemic insect control and systemic disease control. These products were sprayed on the foliage. The foliage absorbs these products and provides continual long lasting control. The enclosed inspection and treatment report shows what trees and shrubs we treated as well as the problems we treated for.

Next Application

In the months of June or July we will be back on your landscape. We will again inspect all the trees and shrubs on your property for both current insect or disease problems and common potential problems. Those trees and shrubs requiring treatment will receive a systemic insect and disease control treatment.

Common Tree and Shrub Problems

Insect/Disease Problem Trees/Shrubs Affected
Aphids Honeysuckle, Spirea and many others
Ash Plant Bug Ash Trees
Black Vine Weevil Yews
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Many Trees/Shrubs
Euonymus Scale Euonymus
Pine Sawfly Pines
Fall Webworm Many Trees/Shrubs
Fletcher Scale Yews
Gypsy Moth Many Trees
Honeylocust Plant Bug & Leafhopper Honeylocust
Japanese Beetle Many Trees/Shrubs
Birch Leaf Miner Birch
Pine Needle Scale Pines
Spider Mites Spruce, Arborvite and Others
Apple Scab Flowering Crabs
Cytospora Canker Spruce
Anthracnose Many Trees/Shrubs
Powdery Mildews Many Trees/Shrubs
Rhizosphaera Needlecast Blue Spruce
Sphaeropsis Tip Blight Pines

4 Steps To A Healthy Landscape

We want your lawn to be the healthiest, most attractive landscape it can be. You can be assured Naturescape® will give your trees and shrubs the proper fertilizer through the year, and we will monitor and control damaging insect and disease problems. We will also provide professional consultation for your landscape. The following practices are steps that you can take that are extremely beneficial to the health and attractiveness of your landscape.

1. Maintain adequate watering during growing season during dry weather. This is so often neglected by homeowners but your landscape has the same or greater water needs than your lawn.

2. Keep trees and shrubs pruned regularly maintaining natural growth habits. Prune by thinning out older and diseased branches generally after flowering. Avoid topping and shearing on a consistent basis.

3. Keep trees and shrubs mulched. This helps retain moisture and keeps soil temperatures more consistent. It also benefits by preventing weed and grass growth that competes with the trees and shrubs root growth. It will also aid in minimizing mower and string trimmer damage.

4. Please consult your landscape specialist if you see any changes in your trees and shrubs appearance or you have any concerns with your landscape.

The Naturescape® Guarantee

Your local Naturescape® branch is committed to making you happy with our service and your lawn and landscape. If you are not completely satisfied with the results of our services or you have any questions or concerns, please call your area branch office and we will be happy to take care of them within 72 hours. If necessary, we will gladly perform a free service call.

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At all of our 42 locations